
torsdag 24 januari 2013

Later... When The Tv Turns To Static (english)

Oh well, I´ll try it the international way this time. 

Yesterday Rab announced on Glasvegas Facebook that "Later… When The Tv Turns To Static" is done.
Everything associated with the mastering of the album is now done and dusted.
Rab wrote "you wouldn't believe how long it took us to decide on a 1 second gap in between 2 songs…"

Some of those who knows us commented on the thread saying " yes, we do believe you". 

It´s damn difficult decisions that we´re facing all the time. It´s everything from "are we sure to have the tambourine that loud in the mix on the middle 8" to " hey guys, I think we need to re-do all the guitar sounds". And sometimes it´s just down to the finest detail like adding a one second gap in between two songs. Everything must feel right before we can say "We are actually done now". 

Yes we are done, it feels good!

Yesterday we sat and listened through all the transitions(for the 4th or even 5th time) and everything sounded great. Except for that second. There was something that felt wrong. We were going through it, back and forth and finally decided to add an extra second in between track 2 and 3. 

After we had made that decision, the next discussion began… "but where do we add it? in the end of track 2 or at the start of track 3?"

Haha, after great lengths and working our way through different scenarios we all agreed to add that second at the end of track 2, so track 3 starts bang on. 

Yes, that´s a sneak peak into what we´re doing. Things that are important to us. 
It is perhaps for some unexpected but for others quite obvious. 
Spending so much time on details… we all do it. 
But what details you decide to spend your time on probably depends on what your passion is. 
It´s good to have a passion!
That´s all folks, have a good one!

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