
söndag 21 juni 2015

Epic album and daydreams

-What’s the new album gonna be like, is it any good?
-Imagine all the music that you’ve ever heard…
-Yeah, ok.
-Yeah… it’s nothing like that.

That’s how James described our new album to a person who’s not heard any of it.
From that description it sounds like it’s a pretty epic album on the go. I agree. 

I just loved the way he said it to the guy, without even thinking it was funny or anything. That was simply the truth for James.
And of course we, i.e the band will always feel like we’re adding something special to the world of music, music that has a purpose and meaning to us. Otherwise we would probably not release it at all. 
But this whole adventure wouldn’t be a reality if it wasn’t for James’ imagination in writing the songs and his creative skills. 
Sometimes when I ask James “how did you come up with those lyrics” or “how could you think of this or that part” he usually answers: I don’t know, it wasn’t really me writing it. 

It’s almost like he’s entering a different world sometimes when he’s working and things just write themselves in a weird way. 
A lot of the times he can’t remember writing parts, it’s like a big daydream, and then he snaps out of it, and on that sheet of paper in front of him there's lyrics that are really special. 
So in a way even James can say that it wasn’t he who wrote it. Even though it was. 
It was just the day dreaming James. 

Ever since he was a kid he’s been day dreaming. And getting told off for it in school.
He once showed me his evaluation and report cards from school, and in all years teachers said:
One of James' report cards. 
"He’s day dreaming a lot and not concentrating".
Sometimes it’s better to be a day dreamer than anything else. 
“There is still drops to add to the big pond of music” as James said it the other day, and that’s what we’re trying to do, everyday.

Ok, raising the bar way up high with the expectations for this upcoming epicness of an album. Hehe, so forget everything I just said... 
No only kidding. 
It’s true, it’s an epic album on the go peeps. Can’t wait to share it with yous. 

fredag 12 juni 2015

"Orite mate, how ye dayin'?"

-Hi my name is Jonna, I spoke to your colleague 10 minutes ago but she put me on the wrong line, so I’m trying again.
-Yeah, ok, what was the person’s name?
-can’t remember
-ok, was it a woman or a man?
-a woman
-did she speak swedish with an accent or without an accent?
-she spoke swedish with an accent
-ok, what accent do you think it was, was it Finnish or some other accent?

Seriously, I felt like I was in a movie or hidden camera or something when I was gonna guess what country someone was from determined by the way they spoke swedish…..When I phoned about getting a time scheduled for the dentist….. yup, true story.

The woman I was talking to at the moment had an american accent. And I almost felt like I wanted to give her a nice compliment on how good her swedish was, but I never, cause I was busy trying to help her find out what colleague of hers I was talking to before. I think the american woman wanted to know which one of her colleagues messed up, maybe it would be good for her to know this in case the needs to use it against her at any point. Naaaw. 

I always think it’s mind-blowing how someone can learn swedish when they’re adults. Or just in general when it’s not their mother tongue. Because I can imagine it’s really hard to get a grip of Swedish. So well done all swedish talking people who didn’t grow up speaking swedish !!! 
I mean, in Sweden we start learning English when we’re quite young in school, and we are surrounded by the language all the time, on the TV in music and all sorts. So it seems a bit easier for us to learn english. So not that same degree of mind- blowingness…. for me at least. 

My boyfriend always says that it’s cool with me cause I know not only two languages, but three. Swedish, English…. and Glaswegian. 
And yes, I take that as a compliment, thank you very much. 

When I first moved to Glasgow to join the band I had NO IDEA what the boys were talking about. I went there and thought I knew english, but this was nothing like the way I’d been taught.
The first couple of weeks I was saying that I didn’t know what a burger was, because I couldn’t understand the way Paul, our bass player said it. “buggah”… He tried again, and the 4th time he said it he decided to put “cheese” in front of it… “like a cheese buggah”. By then I was like 'ooh, you mean cheese buuurrrger ?!?!' ...Felt quite stupid.

Anyway, it took me a few months to get the hang of the glaswegian patter, and today, 4,5 years later I must say that I know ma stuff... sorta. 
Sometimes I can even make people think I’m fae Glesga. 
I always high five myself when that happens. Usually a mental high five, tryin to keep ma cool.
Nowadays I’m teaching my mum and dad glaswegian so that they can try it on the boys when they see them. “Orite mate, how ye dayin’? Gonnae geeze a haun oo’r here?”  

I love the glasweigan accent, I’ve got loads of thoughts on it from a swedish perspective, but I’ll get on that subject another time. Catch yous later peeps. 
Here's some glaswegian phrases to get started. It's not just an accent, it's a culture <3

onsdag 10 juni 2015

A vibe cat

-You're just a wild cat.
-Did you say vibe cat?
-No, a wild cat.
-I thought you says 'vibe cat', like, I'm just going round vibing.

Härligt samtal som inträffade just. Asså helt allvarligt, man vill ju vara en vibe cat om något !!

Vi pratade om att gå och spela basket. Re-match från igår då tempot var högt och det rasslade till i basketkorgen var och varannan sekund.
Vi är typ helt kass på att få bollen genom korgen, men annars är vi bra på basket.
Han ba, asså ska vi gå och spela eller ska jag börja jobba direkt så kan vi göra nåt ikväll?
Jag ba, börja jobba nu, så gör vi nåt ikväll.
Sen blev han så kissnödig så han inte riktigt kunde koncentrera sig och sa: ja, men då går vi och spelar basket då, men jag måste kissa först.
Jag ba, fast jag sa ju precis att vi satsar på att göra nåt ikväll istället.
Han ba: Jaaa, fast jag är för kissnödig för att tänka på vad du sa. Vi hörs efter jag kissat.

Vi satsar på att göra nåt ikväll hörni. För nu jobbar han och jag skriver en blogg. woop woop.

Jag satt och läste igenom mina gamla historier på den här sidan för någon månad sen, och tänkte, fy fasen vad roligt, jag borde skriva såna här oftare så jag kan snegla tillbaka och tänka "fy fasen vad roligt".
Men så gjorde jag inte det. Förrän jag pratade med min kille idag om basket och vibe cat och då ba tog jag fram penna och papper, heeeelt old skool, och började skriva. Fast på datorn.

Och hörni, imorn drar sommarens festivaler igång med Hurula som jag spelar med. Peppad_tjej_87.
Så vi kan väl göra så att vi satsar på att ses där. Nu ska jag ut och springa, för att balansera upp lite grann eftersom det inte blev någon basket idag. Hey doh. Hejje.
Foto: The fabulous Annika Berglund.

Om mig

Mitt foto
Ibland vill jag dela med mig av saker som händer i mitt liv, då skriver jag det här. Det kommer bara vara jätteintressanta inlägg. Så välkomna till min super-blogg.